Everything you need to know about vegan and gluten-free cakes

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Today you can find vegan and gluten-free cakes much more easily than a few years ago in supermarkets or specialized stores.

And with the democratization of the Internet, abundant resources help us to cook vegan and gluten-free at home! So no more excuses, here we go!

Why make vegan cakes?

The vegan cakes are made without any product of animal origin: no dairy products, eggs, honey, etc.

b >What can you replace eggs and dairy products with for vegan cakes? These foods are replaced by plant ingredients:

  • Vegetable cream (soy, coconut), vegetable milks, vegetable butters, etc. replace traditional dairy products.
  • Silken tofu, flax seeds, chia seeds, applesauce, vegetable yogurt, ripe banana, mashed avocado, pumpkin puree, legume cooking liquid replace the eggs.

A skillful combination of these ingredients allows you to obtain stunning results: vegan cakes are very close to versions based on classic dairy products.

Which gluten free flours?

Gluten free flours are made from:

  • tubers and legumes, lentils, sweet potatoes, chestnuts, chickpeas;
  • b >cereals that do not contain gluten: millet, buckwheat, corn, quinoa, rice, etc.

These flours should be consumed pure and not mixed with another that could contain gluten, read the labels carefully when you buy them.

They allow you to make gluten-free cakes and gluten-free vegan cakes.

Is flour vegan?

The flours are made from plants, so they are vegan.

Does chocolate contain gluten?

Chocolate is of plant origin, it comes from the tree called the cocoa tree. It is compatible with a vegan lifestyle if it is in of pure chocolate bar or pure cocoa powder. Always check the labels when you buy chocolate, because manufacturers sometimes add dairy products to make milk chocolate and give a softer texture.

You now know the ingredients needed to make a vegan and gluten-free cake (type of flour, dairy substitutes, egg substitutes, etc.).

Discover even more recipes with our air fried puddingvegan ice creams, our vegan and gluten-free pie recipes and our vegan birthday cakes.

By Alexandra

Hi there! I am French and I love all kinds of food. I enjoy preparing them as long as it's quick and easy.