Hot Pockets in air fryer – Crispy perfection

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Hot Pockets are a quick and tasty snack loved by many, but if you’re looking to take your Hot Pocket experience to the next level, consider using your air fryer.

Air frying Hot Pockets can result in a perfectly crispy crust and a delicious, piping hot filling. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to cook Hot Pockets in an air fryer for that crispy perfection.

How to air fry Hot Pockets

Air frying Hot Pockets is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Ingredients: Gather your favorite Hot Pockets flavors.
  2. Preheat: Preheat your air fryer to 350°F (175°C) for a few minutes.
  3. Place: Place the frozen Hot Pockets in the air fryer basket in a single layer. You can cook multiple Hot Pockets at once, but do not overcrowd the basket.
  4. Cook: Air fry the Hot Pockets for 12-15 minutes, flipping them halfway through for even cooking. Cook until they are golden brown and crispy.
  5. Serve: Remove the air-fried Hot Pockets from the fryer, let them cool for a moment, and enjoy your crispy and delicious snack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I air fry other frozen snacks like pizza rolls or mozzarella sticks?

Yes, you can air fry various frozen snacks like pizza or pizza rolls and mozzarella sticks following a similar process. Just adjust the cooking time as needed based on the snack.

What are the ideal air fryer settings for Hot Pockets?

Preheating to 350°F (175°C) and air frying for 12-15 minutes, flipping halfway through, is a good starting point. You may need to adjust the time slightly depending on your air fryer’s wattage and the Hot Pocket’s size.

Can I add extra toppings to my Hot Pockets before air frying?

Yes, you can customize your Hot Pockets by adding extra cheese, herbs, or toppings before air frying to enhance their flavor.

By Alexandra

Hi there! I am French and I love all kinds of food. I enjoy preparing them as long as it's quick and easy.