How to make vegan cordon bleu

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cordon bleu is one of the emblematic dishes of French family cooking. The original is made with a chicken or pork cutlet, ham and cheese, then breaded.

However, it is possible to cook a vegan version of cordon bleu with plant ingredients.

Vegan cordon bleu – vegetarian cordon bleu: what is it?

Below we give you two vegan cordon bleu recipes.

Vegan cordon bleu: recipes

Tofu cordon bleu

Ingredients for 4 cordon bleu

  • 2 tofus of 200 g
  • 4 slices of vegetable cheese
  • flour
  • vegetable milk
  • breadcrumbs
  • salt , pepper, olive oil


Squeeze the tofu in a cloth to remove the water then cut it into 1 cm thick slices. Cut the slices in half to stuff them with a slice of plant-based cheese and one of plant-based ham in each tofu cutlet.

Sprinkle each tofu cutlet with flour, then dip them in the milk and finish by covering with breadcrumbs.

Put the vegan blue cords in the oven on baking paper with a little oil for 20 minutes at 220°C or air fry for 10 minutes on each side.

Salt and pepper. Serve hot.

Eggplant cordon bleu

For this vegan cordon bleu recipe, simply replace the tofu with sliced eggplant in the previous recipe.

Seitan cordon bleu

Ingredients for 4 vegan cordon bleu

For the cutlets:

  • salt and pepper
  • seitan for 4

For garnish :

  • 8 slices of vegetable ham (homemade or store-bought)
  • 1 preparation of melted cheese (see our recipe in the article on vegan raclettes)
  • cooking oil
  • breadcrumbs


Divide the seitan into 4 portions and flatten them to obtain a thickness of 1 cm. Cook for 30 minutes in broth then leave to cool.

Slice them 2 lengthwise and line each side with a slice of ham then again a slice of plant-based ham and plant-based cheese. Close with the second part of the escalope. Cover them with melted cheese and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Cook your vegan cordon bleu in an oiled pan or an airfryer for around 10 minutes on each side. It’s ready !

By Alexandra

Hi there! I am French and I love all kinds of food. I enjoy preparing them as long as it's quick and easy.