Vegan Camembert, definition and recipe?

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When you are vegan, you give up on all products of animal origin, including cheese. For some, it remains a little difficult and finding an alternative to cheese made from plant products can be complicated. And even more for a vegan Camembert!

Yet we can find it and even cook it, let’s learn everything about Camembert and vegan cheeses.

What is vegan Camembert?

The vegan camembert is made only from plant products. Not a drop of cow’s milk is included in its composition but… cashew nuts.

Cashew nuts are particularly suitable for the vegan Camembert recipe:

  • it is easy to work with
  • it gives a cheesy taste that the sweeter almond does not provide.

In addition to cashews, the vegan Camembert recipe includes spices and other ingredients such as garlic, chives, shallots, etc.

What does vegan Camembert taste like?

Visually, vegan camemberts often resemble a soft cheese. Fans of raw milk Camemberts will be disappointed because the vegan versions have neither the taste nor the smell. On the other hand, those who like Camembert made from pasteurized milk will be more satisfied with the result.

Some consumers are completely amazed by the vegan Camembert, the reviews are sometimes rave… to the point that some claim to see no difference with the animal milk version.

The price can be a little high in stores, so we offer you a homemade vegan Camembert recipe (you need a little time and patience).

Vegan Camembert recipe


  • 150 gr Cashews
  • 80 ml of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon (tsp) Penicillium camemberti
  • 1/4 teaspoon of Mesophilic Culture
  • 1 Papain powder capsule
  • 1/2 tsp salt


Put the penicillium camemberti and the mesophilic culture in the water and let it sit (do not mix).

Place the cashew nuts in boiling water for 10 minutes then mix them with the water and the penicillium camemberti and the mesophilic culture. Add the papain and mix for a few minutes. The texture of the preparation should be smooth.

Pour the cashew cheese into a clean, dry cloth and close it. Place it in a container with a sieve to let air circulate underneath. Leave at room temperature for an hour then refrigerate for 24 hours.

Take a circular container (or a cheese mold if you have it) and put the preparation in it, which you will have previously wrapped in a clean cloth. Shape the pie chart. Put back in the fridge for 24 hours.

Remove the fabric from the vegan cheese, salt it and put it on a board to dry. Repeat the operation the following day.

When the Camembert is dry to the touch, place it in a ventilated plastic or glass container on a rack so that air circulates underneath. Then place it either, if you have one, in an adjustable wine cellar (12°C – 80% humidity) or in the fridge.

Turn the cheese every day and wipe it dry if necessary.

Mold should develop within 6 days.

When the Camembert is covered with white mold, wrap it in Camembert paper, then place it in a wooden or paper box. Leave it at 4°C for 20 to 30 days.

By Alexandra

Hi there! I am French and I love all kinds of food. I enjoy preparing them as long as it's quick and easy.