Vegan menu ideas

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The vegan diet is exclusively vegan, it excludes all foods of animal origin (meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, honey and dairy products, milk, yogurt, cream, butter, etc.) and also :

  • clothing , shoes or accessories made of leather, wool or fur
  • cosmetics and products tested on animals
  • some also exclude the circus, the zoo, and pets.

What vegan menus during the week?

Opting for vegan menus requires a little organization at first, but you will see that you will quickly adopt vegan recipes.

Here are some ideas for vegan dishes for the week.

Salads are one of the staple dishes, use seasonal fruits and vegetables, they are cheaper and taste better. Add a few peanuts or almonds and play with seasonings and condiments (garlic, soy, rice vinegar, etc.).

In winter, vegan dishes with sauces are also popular with, for example, a vegetable curry to which you add lentils.

In summer we go for vegetable skewers garnished with tofu, marinated or simply with Provençal herbs to grill on the barbecue or on the plancha or in you air fryer.

Another dish that is on the rise: Japanese Udon noodles. delicious hot with a sweet and savory sauce, beans and spinach or cold.

Vegan desserts are not left out, expect to delight! The pies made from vegan dough are delicious, the salads or refreshing fruit sorbets, the pancakes made from coconut milk and starch delicious…

In short, a whole universe of gastronomic possibilities is available to you, go exploring!

Quick vegan meal idea


  • Tea or coffee
  • Coconut yogurt with muesli or scrambled tofu with tomatoes
  • a banana

Lunch / Red bean, corn and carrot salad and seasonal fruit salad for dessert.

For the salad you need: 150 g of red beans, 1 carrot, 1 small can of corn, 1 orange or 1/2 large, olive oil, chives, 1 pinch of ginger, salt and pepper

Cook the beans for 40 minutes in a saucepan, rinse them. Peel the carrot and grate it and mix with the beans and corn. Wash the orange and zest it. Mix the orange juice, zest, oil, chives and seasoning. Pour over the salad and eat immediately or leave in the fridge for an hour for the aromas to diffuse.

Dinner / Mushroom-avocado burger and seasonal fruit for dessert.

For the burger you need: hamburger bun, portobello mushrooms, red pepper, broccoli, avocado, garlic, shallots.

Recipe: Air fry the mushrooms then the chopped shallot and garlic, broccoli and red pepper in pieces in a bit of oil, salt and pepper. Mix avocado, garlic, a little water, olive oil, salt and pepper. We assemble the burger by spreading the bread with avocado, then the browned vegetables then the portobello mushroom.

By Alexandra

Hi there! I am French and I love all kinds of food. I enjoy preparing them as long as it's quick and easy.