Vegetarian foie gras: recipe and composition

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Vegetarian or vegan, we often want to rediscover the taste of certain typical dishes of French cuisine and continue to enjoy ourselves! Foie gras is one of those iconic dishes that are very popular for the holidays. Commercially called “fake fat”, it is found in certain specialized stores.

If you are not convinced and prefer to master the ingredients, here is a homemade vegetarian foie gras recipe which imitates the original version very well! In addition, cooking at home is often cheaper than buying industrial products.

False foie gras composition / ingredients

False foie gras: ingredients

The basic ingredient of fake foie gras is either:

  • chickpeas : the result is interesting even if the texture is flourier than the original;
  • tofu : the creamy texture makes it a good candidate for making vegan foie gras;
  • cashew nuts (plain): mixed in the form of a paste, it provides a nice consistency and a taste that is very close to the origin.

The vegetarian foie gras recipe based on cashew nuts remains the most expensive, those based on tofu or chickpeas will be less expensive.

You will also need to add an agar-agar type thickener to obtain a good consistency.

False foie gras: seasoning

Here are 4 seasonings to get the taste of fake vegetable foie gras:

  • spices : coriander, nutmeg or clove powder;
  • alcohol : white wine, port, armagnac… choose the taste you prefer: it’s optional and if you don’t consume it, replace with cider vinegar;
  • miso (optional): it adds a tangy note;
  • mushrooms : porcini mushrooms, button mushrooms, Portobellos, we mix them with the preparations.

False foie gras: appearance

Your vegan foie gras preparation will be beige while the traditional version is pink. To regain this color, add a little tomato paste (½ teaspoon).

Last point: coat the vegan foie gras with fat. Melt some vegetable fat, add turmeric for the pale yellow color and pour it over the terrine. Be careful to choose a fat without a strong taste (for example, avoid coconut).

You can spread it on air fried garlic bread like the traditional version of foie gras.

False foie gras recipe

Vegan chickpea foie gras recipe

Ingredients – 4 people – Vegan chickpea foie gras

  • 150 g chickpeas
  • 70 g of button mushrooms
  • 60 g of vegetable fat
  • 1/2 onion
  • 10 cl of vegetable cream
  • 10 cl of water
  • 1 teaspoon of agar-agar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil

Preparation – Vegan chickpea foie gras

Cook the chickpeas. Slice the mushrooms and onions and fry them in a pan with olive oil.

Mix chickpeas, onion, mushrooms, vegetable cream, salt, pepper and spices.

Boil water and agar-agar for 2 minutes and add to the mixture. Put in a terrine and leave to rest for the day in the fridge.

Optional: cover with melted vegetable fat.

Mix in the turmeric, then pour the colored oil onto your faux gras.

Vegan cashew foie gras recipe

In the previous recipe, replace the chickpeas with cashew nuts. Soak them for an hour before mixing them. Then follow the recipe for foie gras with chickpeas.

Find even more vegetarian recipes for gourmet meals on our site!

By Alexandra

Hi there! I am French and I love all kinds of food. I enjoy preparing them as long as it's quick and easy.