What is vegan creamery?

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When you become vegan, you abandon all consumption of foods from animals: meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, butter, etc.

We will explain everything to you how to replace dairy products.

Veganism: a lifestyle

Why being vegan ?

  • reduction of waste (packaging often made from renewable resources) and carbon impact
  • non-animal exploitation
  • ingredients produced as ethically as possible.

What is vegan cheese?

Vegan cheese: definition

Vegan cheese is a 100 % plant based substitute for a dairy version.The idea is very simple but not easy to implement: rediscover ancestral flavors thanks to plant-based cheeses. They allow us to move towards plant-based consumption which is more respectful of our environment.

Vegan cheese: where to find it

You can find them of different qualities, in the supermarket, in specialized shops such as vegan creameries or from small producers.

Vegan cheese: the range

The range of alternatives to cheeses is wide: camembert, flowery or blue rind, cheese for raclette or fondue, etc.

Vegan cheese: manufacturing

They are shaped and refined in the cellar according to tradition. This allows the development of these very typical flavors.

What does vegan cheese taste like?

We find a whole range of subtle, creamy, gourmet, sweet, intense and/or melting flavors.

Some plant-based cheeses are very similar to Camembert or even cheddar in both aesthetic and taste terms.

Vegan cheeses are eaten like traditional versions, often at the end of a meal and accompanied by a piece of bread.

They are consumed like their traditional dairy-based counterparts:

  • at the end of the meal with bread
  • in a sandwich
  • on toast
  • in a pizza
  • in a raclette or fondue
  • in a burger
  • air fryed
  • in a pasta dish.

By Alexandra

Hi there! I am French and I love all kinds of food. I enjoy preparing them as long as it's quick and easy.