Vegetarian menu ideas

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Stop preconceived ideas, no, composing a simple and quick vegetarian menu is neither really difficult nor insurmountable. More and more people are getting into it for various reasons (health, environment, etc.)

With a little practice we can all cook seasonal vegetarian recipes that will delight our taste buds! Let’s go for recipes adapted to the 4 seasons, winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Winter vegetarian menu

In winter, the chilly temperatures make you want a comforting and invigorating vegetarian meal.

We go for the fondues or raclette by replacing cold meats with vegetables, tofu or vegetable ham. Those who are lactose intolerant can opt for vegetable cheese at raclette or fondue.

The international cuisine allows you to indulge yourself with an inexpensive vegetarian menu: vegetable curry, chili vegetarian, alentil dhal, or vegetable tagines.

The secret is to opt for seasonal vegetables: in winter broccoli, carrots, cabbage, butternut squash, leeks, artichokes, parsnips, etc.

If you want a little lightness, accompany the dish with a salad of endives or lamb’s lettuce.

Spring vegetarian menu

With the first rays of sunshine come the first desire for salads! For a quick and easy vegetarian menu, think about quiches and pizzas. They are always delicious in a vegetarian version with only vegetables or vegetable ham substitutes.

Another option, pasta: tomato ricotta, garlic and olive oil, eggplant and basil, the possibilities are immense for an cheap vegetarian meal. And why not completely veggie lasagna or cannelloni?

Spreads also often have a place of choice in vegetarian menus: hummus, veggie tarama, guacamole, goat cheese and radish, etc.

Vegetarian summer menu

In summer, if you can, you can opt for the easy option with plancha cooking and barbecue. Faire a vegetarian barbecue is child’s play: marinated vegetable skewers, vegetable meat and sausages, tofu, etc.

We enjoy vegetables bursting with sunshine and full of vitamins in colorful salads that are delicious:

  • quinoa , tomatoes, feta and black olives
  • rice , air fried green beans and garlic
  • tomatoes , mozzarella, basil
  • watermelon , cucumber, tofu and black olives

And we also love cold cucumber soups, tomato gazpacho or even veggie recipes without an oven.

Autumn vegetarian menu

The first frosts are showing up? Are we thinking of putting away the barbecue and taking out a little wool? To ensure a smooth transition, opt for an easy vegetarian menu AND that everyone enjoys, a vegetarian burger made with vegetable patties to replace the meat, with a salad or a few fries.

Vegetarian shepherd’s pie is also a solution that appeals to the whole family, from the oldest to the youngest. It is cooked from lentils and sweet potatoes.

Another seasonal vegetarian recipe is stuffed vegetables. You cook a veggie stuffing and use it to stuff seasonal vegetables (it works all year round).

So no more excuses, you have now stocked up on vegetarian recipe ideas for you dive into the bath!

By Alexandra

Hi there! I am French and I love all kinds of food. I enjoy preparing them as long as it's quick and easy.